Ingredients: potatoes, onions ,olive oil, parmesan cheese and
of course pasta.
Preparation time: 30

1) Peel 2 potatoes per person. Cut them in 1 inch cubes.
2)Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a pot and saute some onions
3) Add 4 coups of water and the potatoes. Add also 1 fresh tomato, a carrot and some celery.I like to add also some basil. Cover the pot and let it cook for 10-15 min.

4) When the potatoes are soft enough, it is time to add the pasta (short pasta) to the pot. Often we use mixed pasta, which is made from the left over pasta (penne + broken spghetti + ditaloni + whatever short pasta you have left in your cabinet). Add enough water just to cover the pasta. Also at this point I like to add hot red pepper.

5) Stir until the pasta is cooked.
6) Add parmesan cheese. and black pepper.
Buon Appetito
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