Time for preparation: about 10-15 minutes.

Choose the right shape of pasta: this dish requires tubettini or ditalini.
1) Put the 3 cups of water in a pot. Put the pot on the stove medium fire. Cover the pot with a lid.
2) Add a tablespoon olive oil, a teaspoon of salt, garlic, onions and celery. Optional: carrots.

3)Open a can of beans (better if you buy dry-beans and soak them in water for 8 hours). Wash the beans under cold water and add them to the pot.
4) When the beans are soft, add the pasta (1 cup per person).
5) Cook until the pasta is almost done (about 5 minutes). Some of the beans will smash creating something delicious.
6) Let it rest for few minutes.
Before serving, you can add pepper and parmesan cheese. Extra-virgin olive oil too.
In the summer, you can add to the dish a couple of cherry tomatoes and some basil.
PS. i made steamed broccoli as side dish...the pasta was super good...better than maccaroni&cheese
Buon appetito
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